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  • Ernest Wong

Annotated Diary

Updated: Sep 11, 2019

Joseph Walsh -- Enignum IV chair Joseph Walsh Is an Irish designer which loves manipulating and reconstructing strips of bent wood into a free flowing composition. He then hand shapes the layered pieces revealing a unique material sandwiched between the wood. He doesn't normally incorporate other materials into his work but this piece has inspired me to consider other materials with my bent wood explorations

Fig 1. Enignum chair IV


Joseph Walsh -- Erosion Table VI

Erosion Table VI is another body of work from Joseph Walsh that I looked into I really wanted to focus my exploration on steam bending, I felt that steam bending and shaping will visually embody a more organic; nature like feeling, but this piece shows that the same visual affect can be achieved without any bends. Still very organic looking, pleasing to look at and memorizing.

Fig 2. Erosion Table VI


Joseph Walsh -- Magnus Celestii

Magnus Celestii is another body of work that was created by Joseph Walsh. This piece was created for the annual design exhibition at the new art centre. This is a stunning piece that inspired me to create steam bend furniture, a futuristic yet down to earth feel, with its functional aspect as a table and a beautiful spiral of ash that you can never get tired of looking at. It is truly what its names translates too "great and heavenly".

Fig 3. Magnus Celestii


Vladimir Kagan -- Gabriella Chair

I am interested in considering the incorporation of other materials into my designed work. A Although bent wood sculptural furniture is what I am after, I came a across a collaboration piece that Vladimir Kagan did with with Ralph Pucci at first glance I thought it was an elegant and wood framed chair but I was surprised to see that it was actually cast bronze. This piece gives off the same visually striking quality. This piece has inspired me to not put all my focus in wood and maybe consider other materials.

Fig 4. Gabriella Chair


Bae se Hwa -- Unknown

I stumbled across his work when I was researching for furniture that took on organic visual elements. I could not find any information about this piece I picked out but i chose to include this piece because of how welcoming this piece looks with its sinuous sweeping curves; so pleasing to the eye. I also like the fact that because its layers of wood it gives the viewers clue as to how this sofa was constructed and how precised he needed to be.

Fig 5. Bae Se Hwa


Dennis Lin -- Wall Sculpture

Dennis Lin a Canadian artist/ sculpture he initially started his art work with wood but then later transition into a more giving and malleable material which is sheet metal like steel, brass, copper and etc. Bending wood wasn't something he had done but when his project did involve wood they still had some nature inspired feeling. Nature is Dennis Lins inspiration so just like nature his work is unpredictable. once again this is a great example that I shouldn't restrain myself from trying other material.

Fig 6. Dennis Lin


Sam Maloof -- Low Lounge Rocker

Sam Maloofs Low Lounge Rocker was on of or if not if last piece he created before he past away. I love how Maloof can make a piece look visually not complex but it is actually very complex, he is very good at achieving timeless furniture. This low lounge rocker is a piece Maloof wanted for himself before he past, its also a good reminder that sometimes you just need to make for yourself.

Fig 7. Low Lounge Rocker


Eva Hild -- Bulb

While wood may be my main focus I tend to look into other mediums to gain inspiration on curtain organic forms. Ceramic is a great medium to play with and work with, this material is very easy to manipulate into different shapes in a quicker time. Eva uses this material in her advantage creating delicate continuous flowing entities. I can take some of her forms and try duplicating it with wood.... if its even possible.

Fig 8. BULB

Tina Vlassopulos -- Rochelle

Tina Vlassopulos also another ceramic artist her organic style is different than mine and all the other images I have chosen, she uses these organic shaped forms and curates a playful setting with her work. I can take this information and apply it to my practice curves are meant to be fun to look at and I could use this opportunity to create something fun looking with wood.

Fig 9. Rochelle


Pablo Reinoso

Pablo Reinoso is a artist/ designer he often makes benches his style is playful and expressive. Pablo's work are all structural and functional but he always likes to give his work some character and expression, it seem like his benches are growing into the environment that he has placed his benches in. I can take these ideologies of artistes which uses curves to create a playing/ expressive art and apply them to my own practice, I feel it will still achieve what I want as it will still make the viewer feel a certain way

Fig 10. Spaghetti Bale

Fig 11. Thonet Sculpture

Image Citation

Fig 1. Joseph Walsh. “Enignum IV copper chair”. 2011. Joseph Walsh studio. Accessed September 7, 2019.

Fig 2. Joseph Walsh. “Dommus Erosion Table”. 2017. Joseph Walsh studio. Accessed September 7, 2019.

Fig 3. Joseph Walsh. “Magnus Celestii”. 2014. Joseph Walsh Studio. Accessed September 9, 2019.

Fig 4. Vladimir Kagan. “Gabriella Chair”. 2015. Vladimir Kagan limited edition collection Accessed September 8, 2019.

Fig 5. Bae se Hwa. “Unknown”. Bae Se Hwa studio. Accessed September 9, 2019

Fig. 6 Dennis Lin. “unknow”.mountain life live it up. Accessed September 9, 2019.

Fig 7. Sam Maloof. “Lounge Rocker”. 1976. Sam Maloof woodworker Inc. Beautiful hand-made furniture. Accessed September 7, 2019.

Fig 8. Eva Hild. “BULB”. Eva Hild Studio. Accessed September 10, 2019.

Fig 9. Tina Vlassopulos. “Rochelle” Tina Vlassopulos studio. Accessed September 10, 2019.

Fig 10. Pablo Reinoso. “Spaghetti Bale” Colossal. Accessed September 10, 2019

Fig 11. Pablo Reinoso. “Thonet Sculpture” Colossal. Accessed September 10, 2019

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