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  • Ernest Wong

Annotated bibliography

Updated: Oct 10, 2019

Colombo, Barbara, Psychology and Design. The Influence of the Environment's Representation over Emotion and Cognition. An ET Study on Ikea Design (October 23, 2015). ELSEVIER, Vol. 3, No 1, 2015. Available at: (Biomimicry)

This journal aims to explore how environment representations can influence perceived pleasantness and purchasing decisions. Kaplan and Kaplan psychologist, claim that the well-being of people in the workforce are a concern. These concerns are translated through the cost of beneficial packages, health promotions, ergonomics, and other ways to reduce and enhance health satisfactions. A low cost way to approach would be to use the natural environment, which can foster many desires. Attention restoration theory asserts that people’s well-being and mental health can improve after spending time in the natural environment or even looking at natural scenery. The journal then compares interior design projects to explore their hypothesis, looking for specific elements inside; “human figures; doors and passage ways; nature elements; everyday objects”. (Colombo, pg.1) To see what objects/elements elicits positive emotional reactions, and expression of preference. This book helped me realized that a methodology approach I can take is to collect a variety of images from nature and see how people feel about it, from there you can take the ones with positive review, and extract elements from it to create a positive emotional reaction.

Hamdy Mahmoud, Heba-Talla, Interior Architectural Elements That Affect Human Psychology and Behavior (October 19, 2017). ARChive, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2017. Available at (Behaviorism)

This journal studies the psychological behaviours that is conditioned through design, specifically architectural and interior. Behaviourism is based on the idea that all behaviour are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment, our responses to environmental stimuli shape our actions. The psychological attitude of a human is affected by the design of interior architecture through various aspects. Every person receives, perceives and responds in different ways, this is due to physical and psychological differences in addition to the difference in personal experience. Although we all have these differences, architecture framed our behaviour since the very beginning, but it has now developed into a state where it is essential that everything and everyone has their own defined space. This is now becoming problematic for our mental health. "One of the essential roles of architecture is to provide built environments that sustain the occupants’ psychological well-being. This role is made even more important because, in modern society, more than 70% of a person’s lifespan is spent indoors." (Hamdy Mahmoud, Pg.1) Culture is then focused as the solution into solving the issue of modern society. This journal provides another perspective into how I can achieve a sense of connectedness, visuals and forms might not be the only thing I focus on I could consider culture also as this article stats. “It essential to recognize that identity does not depend on the composition and form of physical space only, but it is linked to the concept of meaning and sense. There are numerous factors that shape identity and selfexpression such as the structure of family and relatives, and child-raising methods.” (Hamdy Mahmoud, Pg.3)

Jhangiani Rajiv, Hammond Tarry. “Social Cognition and affect” BCcampus, 2014.

This journal aims to explore our social cognition. Social judgement indirectly influence the types of information we receive which then skews our judgements. Emotions play a huge role when it comes to memory and judgement, mood influences our judgement on people, objects and settings. Mood-depend memory is “a tendency to better remember information when our current mood matches the mood we were in when we encoded that information.” (Jhangiani, 2014) and Mood congruence effects occurs “when we are more able to retrieve memories that match our current mood.” (Jhangiani, 2014) This journal then takes these terms to test their hypothesis, purposefully setting half of their test subjects in a bad mood and half in a good mood, before beginning a pictorial test, doing this, they want to see if they can manipulate how they perceive those objects because of the current mood they are in. Social cognition describes what I want to do with my piece, manipulate past emotions and project it into the current setting. The method they took to present this study is not something I would do, I don’t think messing with someone’s emotions to prove a point is ethical for my study.

Kellert Stephen R, Heerwagen Judith, Mador Martin. Biophilic design: The Theory, science and practice of bringing building to life. John Wiley & son, 2008.

This book talks about biophilic design. Biophilic design coins from the term biophilia which was founded by philosopher Edward o Wilson. He says that most humans have an innate love for nature, we long for it and without connecting with it our health can suffer. This architectural design practice tries to re-unit people of modern society, back to our original roots, on living coherently with the natural environment. Through the industrial revolution we have isolated ourselves, by creating “cities” that detach our way of life from the natural environment – we created an inside world on earth. This book in short defines 14 principles that is biophilic design- Visual connection with nature, Non-visual connection with nature, non-rhythmic sensory stimuli, Thermal and airflow variability, presence of water, dynamic and diffuse light, connection with natural system, Biomorphic forms and patterns, Material connection with nature, complexity and order, Prospect, Refuge, Mystery, and Risk/peril. Knowing the principles of what makes a design encapsulates a biophilia philosophy I now have a clearer starting point for designing.

Rosenthal, Léon. Romanticism. Parkstone International, 2008. EBSCOhost,

The romantic period spread quickly throughout Europe and the United States to challenge the rational ideal held so tightly in the enlightenment period; the enlightenment was a time where people embraced logic and reasoning. Artist at this time felt that it should be more than just logic and reason, what about emotions and experience? Artist all over had the same opinion and wanted to express their philosophy and rebel again the enlightenment, through various mediums of art; literature, music, painting, and architecture. The book goes through various paintings and explains the inspirations behind it, to give the reader a firmer idea of the philosophy explained earlier. I never thought of looking into mediums of art for capstone but the romanticism period share similar ideas as to why we should create art for human emotions. All these artists came together with the same ideology around the same time period provides me with enough confidence that maybe when looking into their artworks it can inspire my future work.

Schulte Matthew, Manjouche Steven. Digital steam bending: Re-casting historical craft through digital techniques. The University of Michigan. 2011. Accessed date October 9, 2019.

In this research a group of architect students wanted to study the tradition craft of steam bending. The students were especially interested in how Thonet took this highly skilled practices and industrialized it. The students go through the process needed, for steam bending; techniques, tools and etc…then researched how the thonet chair was a revolutionary invention in terms of productions. They then took their research and got a grant for research through making, the students wanted to take thonets approach of bending but didn’t want to spend money on cast iron jigs. The students wanted to see if they can approach this in a different method, being familiar with the CNC they wanted to see how they can incorporate the CNC machine to also industrialized parts of making, to achieve something that would take a highly skills craftsmen to do. I was very happy to stumble across this research report this report will be very helpful for me as they opened another option I have never thought about to make my complex steaming seem more achievable.

Safari, Ida. "Building from within: The Architecture of John Lautner." Order No. 13814561 California State University, Long Beach, 2019. Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Web. 8 Oct. 2019.

In this article it talks about Frank Lloyd Wrights’ apprentice John Lautner. John applies the principles of Franks “organic” architecture. This term “Organic” architecture meant the interpretation of nature’s principles manifested in a building, which were in harmony with the world around them. John liked Frank’s idea of having the architecture work around the landscape it is designed upon, but John wanted a unique structure emerging as if organically it was from the earth. I like how the author compared the 2 ideology/ approaches, he uses imaged of both architectures work and shows similarities and differences, as an apprentice of Frank he has adopted his masters ideology and made it his own. This is a lesson for me, even after reading/learning all these principles and rules, of how a design should look like in order to achieve an ideology I still have the freedom to add my own twist to it to make it my own.

Xi Ye. Yin-Yang Idea in Architectural Design – Following rather Than altering the object’ Nature. International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications. Vol 3, No.1, 2016 PP-1-10.'_Nature

Yin and yang (or yin-yang) is a complex, relational concept in Chinese culture that has developed over thousands of years. Briefly put, the meaning of yin and yang is that the universe is governed by a cosmic duality, sets of two opposing and complementing principles or cosmic energies that can be observed in nature. This concept has been applied in many art forms, in this article it has been applied to the red brick museum. The author uses painting to explain the visual composition. “The visual path is the energy of chi. these opposing forces govern the balance and movement of the composition. These forces are down/up, left/right, small/large, and back/front. In designing a painting, these forces can be used to move the eye through the painting. A strong composition always has movement or rhythm or else it has no chi or energy. This rhythm can vary greatly”. (Xi Ye, Pg.3) I think this ideology is very interesting and is helpful for my capstone project, I can explore Chinese painting that encapsulates these ideas which can be inspiration pictures, maybe it will translate into a piece of furniture.

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